Postcards from Timbuktu in the News
We've been fortunate to have a few stories written on the project, resulting in a boatload of postcards being sent to Italy and Spain. The most recent article, a piece in Voice of America, has led to orders from the United States to Uruguay.
This project will do well with a wide audience, and these articles go a long way to making that happen. If you appreciate the project, you can still get the word out with a simple share on facebook or the like. Thank you to everyone that has already done so.
Here are some articles that have been written on the project. You may need to google translate for some of them ;)
Cartoline misteriose da Timbuctù
Un beso desde Tombuctú (image of this article as it appeared in the print version of this newspaper is at the top of the post).
Postcard Business Delivers New Life to Timbuktu Post Office
Postcards from Timbuktu on RFI English (radio)
Timbuctu: caro amico ti scrivo (radio)